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  • May 2, 2012 - 6:17am

    It's Saturday morning. A father looks at his son sitting at the kitchen table. He thinks of the world ahead of him and the challenges he will face. The father knows all too well that he will need strength and core values to survive a future of temptations, adversity and opportunities.The father knows he has a responsibility to his son. A responsibility beyond basic needs. A responsibility to teach him what it means to be a man.
    But what is manhood in the modern day?

  • April 26, 2012 - 8:33am

    Child sexual abuse is prevalent in our society. One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused or assaulted before they reach age 18. Abuse knows no bounds and occurs among all races, religions and socioeconomic levels. Many people find it shocking to learn that nine out of 10 times, the abuser is someone the child or teenager knows and trusts.
